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Saturday, 31 March 2012

Debate Speech EQ and Not IQ determines how successful A person Become.(Goverment)

Ladies and gentlemen,
   My first point is high EQ enables people to have positive traits. According to a book written by Daniel Goleman(a famed researcher) entitled “Emotional Intelligince or EQ :”Why it can Matter More than IQ. People who posses high degree of EQ know themselves very well. They know what they want in life and go about doing things in
Order to achieves a high social status. A survey was carried out and it has been that people with high EQ are not only productive and succesful, infact, they go on to influencing others to become productive and succesful too..! One good example is Bill Gates of Microsoft . My dear opposition, do you know who he is?
Yes I am sure you know.. But do you know that he has high EQ?? No Right!! Well,he has shown us that a high EQ is necessary for one’s success as he has helped to relieve much suffering and pain of others he has helped. Not just one or two, but MILLIONS of people(I repeated, Million of people!)How is this possible?
 Well, he has pledged to donate all his wealth
(US $58 billion) to charity after his death. No doubt, only a person with high EQ can do this. His generousity  and Willingness to help others have led him to create hope in the poor. This hope is indeed needed to motivate them to move forward and Wilingness to
Help others have led him to create hope in the poor. This hope is indeed needed to motivate them to move forward and excel in life. Bill Gate’s succes is hence not only measured in term of money but also in term of the number of people who he has helped to become productive and successful.
Ladies and gentlemen,
It would be foolish to assert that good old fashioned IQ and technical ability are not important ingredients in determining the success of a person. But the recipe would not be complete witout emotional inteligince or EQ. It was once thought that the components of EQ were “nice to have”
For Success but now we know, these are ingredients that we need to “ have and we must have”.
It is fortunate, then, that emotional Intilligence can be learned. The process is not easy. It takes time and most of all, comitment. Butt the benefits of having a well-developed EQ definitely determines
how a successful person becomes in Life!

Charles Darwin Onces said, “It is not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

Can an individual with an average IQ be more succesful than IQ genius?  The answers is YES. But only if the undividual in a question has a higher level of EQ:
IQ will Get You Through School but, EQ will get You through Life.
 Therfore Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me stress again that we, the goverment, believes that EQ and not IQ determines how successful a person becomes. Once again, we the Goverment strongly believes that, EQ is more important than IQ in order to achieve success in life. With this, I rest my case.

 A very Good Morning, Honorable Chairperson, fair and just adjudicators respected timekeepers, my worthy opponents and members of the floor. Today, the house is going to debate on the motion “ EQ and not IQ determines how successful a person becomes”. We the Goverment, Strongly believes that EQ and not IQ
determines how successful a person Becomes.
First of all me to define the term EQ or Emotional Quotient. According to Wikipedia, EQ or Emotinal Intelligence is the ability to INDENTIFY, ASSESS, snd CONTROL the emotions of oneself, of others and of groups” whereas IQ or Intelligince Quotient
Is defined as “a measure of a person’s intelligence as indicated by an intilligence test; the ratio of a person’s mental age to their chronological age(mutlipied by 100). Collins’ English Dictionary also defines “successful” as having succeeded in one’s endeavours;  marked by a favourable outcome; and having obtained,fame, wealth and so on.
In Other words, Emotional Quotient(EQ) is the ability to feel, whil;e intelligence quotient(IQ) is the ability to think. EQ does not mean giving free reinto feelings, rather it means managing feelings so that they are expressed appropiately and effectively, enabling people to work together smoothly toward their common goals.
Compared to IQ and expertise, EQ matters twice as much to achieve excellence in different professions and it is particularly central to leadership.

As the first speaker of the Goverment I will put forward my points strongly supporting the motion that “EQ and not IQ, determines how
Succesful a persons becomes”. Our Second speaker will rebut the points put forward by the first speaker of the opposition. She will also convice ypu all through the points raised that success does not automatically follow those who posess a high IQ rating. Last but not least, our third speaker will rebut the points put forward by the first and
Seconds speaker of the opposition.

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